In this episode Megan and Quinn discuss the differences between goals vs. habits, going all in and jumping off the cliff. #justifyingthefword, #forties, #fifties, #livingyourbestlife, #newyearsgoals, #habits, #selfhelp
"Justifying The F Word" is a home spun revolutionary blog targeted to all of us who are close-at-or past F@#TY (Forty). Like Che Guevara (minus the beret, because no one should wear a beret or throw a shoe) we will take back the social dignity that pop culture has decided we no longer posses. Viva la Middle Age Revolution!!!!!!
In this episode Megan and Quinn discuss the differences between goals vs. habits, going all in and jumping off the cliff. #justifyingthefword, #forties, #fifties, #livingyourbestlife, #newyearsgoals, #habits, #selfhelp
In Episode 10 Quinn and Megan discuss "The Pursuit of Happiness and Contentment." This week’s podcast takes a different look at both subjects as well as the steps to get there. #justiryingthefword, #forties, #fifties, #happiness, #contentment, #pursuitofhappiness, #livingyourbestlife
In episode 9 Quinn and Megan talk about the importance of staying in your lane, not swerving into others lanes, and the importance of making life decisions based on the effective caloric burn theory. #justifyingthefword, #relationships, #forties, #fifties, #selfhelp, #livingyourbestlife
Today Quinn and Megan discuss what it means to be an "Askhole" and how identity if you are going down that road. Have no fear a clear path out of being an "Askhole" is contained within the ramblings of this episode. #askhole, #forties, #fifties, #podcast, #livingyourbestlife, #lovinglife
In episode number 6 we discuss gratitude as a verb, Quinn's gratitude of being alive after a severe bout with food poisoning in Peru, the comparison of practicing gratitude and surfing, and the finer points of Karma. #Justifyingthefword, #forties, #fifties, #livingyourbestlife, #gratitude
In this week’s episode we
discuss, "the Currency of Time." During the podcast we take an
in depth look into obligations, fulfillment, and rice cakes vs. chocolate. #Justifyingthefword,#40's,#50's,#midlifecrisis
(Batman Finding Out Who He Is?)
In this week’s episode we hash out the topic of identities along with what shapes who we are. During our discussion we break down the 6 steps of self-discovery - 1. Know Your Purpose 2. Know Your Passion 3. Know Your Needs 4. Know Your Values 5. Know Your Strength and Weaknesses 6. Serve Others. Write them out, make a plan, and go live your best life!
In this episode we dive into the secret sauce of resistance and how it can be used as a strong building block to live an accomplished and fulfilled life. Throughout the podcast we hash out some defining moments where we have used resistance to grow and overcome some significant challenges. We wrap things up by laying out the 3 layers of resistance which are 1. Start 2. Stretch 3. Increase. Go build that ladder one rung-one challenge at a time!
In our second episode we tackle the topic of marriage and relationship insurance with the F word nation. Todays discussion revolves around how to pay your 50/50 marriage insurance premium by understanding and implementing your significant orthers love language. The episode is wrapped up by talking about how to sperate and adequately address your primary social relationship repsonsiblities. The Justifying the F Word Podscast is not available on Itunes and all other podcast formats. Link below!
After kicking the idea around for years my wife Megan and I have finally launched out podcast! We will be producing content on the weekly helping people ,"Justify the F Word" in the best way possible. The podcast will be available on all platforms (it may take a few weeks for them all to load the first time). This idea has been a passion of mine for years and although I have been spotty on my writing I hope you all enjoy our ramblings! Our first episode is on avoiding or overcoming the midlife crisis.