In Episode 16 Quinn and Megan talk through the lessons they have learned from being parents, adapting, and how to overcome mom/dad guilt (the struggle is real). Just remember, we are all trying to do our best!

"Justifying The F Word" is a home spun revolutionary blog targeted to all of us who are close-at-or past F@#TY (Forty). Like Che Guevara (minus the beret, because no one should wear a beret or throw a shoe) we will take back the social dignity that pop culture has decided we no longer posses. Viva la Middle Age Revolution!!!!!!
Sunday, January 30, 2022
Welcome To The Guiltiest Part Of Your Life (Parenting)......
In Episode 16 Quinn and Megan talk through the lessons they have learned from being parents, adapting, and how to overcome mom/dad guilt (the struggle is real). Just remember, we are all trying to do our best!
Sunday, January 23, 2022
So This Is 40?
In Episode 15 Quinn and Megan lay out a survival guide to hitting the pinnacle age of 40 and how to take it head on (you're going to be ok). During the episode, 3 steps to making these years epic are laid out and discussed. Remember it took a significant amount of climbing to get to the top, now you are "over the hill" it's time to enjoy the ride!
Sunday, January 16, 2022
Can You Hear Me Now?
Episode 14 is all about having effective communication in your life. Quinn and Megan talk about the importance of verbal and non-verbal communication as well and not letting fear stop you from being your own advocate in the quest to live your best life. #justifyingthefword, #forties, #fifties, #podcast, #podcaster, #lvingyourbestlife, #communication
Thursday, January 13, 2022
Resistance And The Fact Hard Things Really Never Get Any Easier
Sunday, January 9, 2022
Making The Rest Of Your Life The Best Of Your Life With Kory and Amber Holker
In episode 13 we sit down with financial and retirement experts Kory and Amber Holker to discuss how to create a fulfilling lifestyle plan for your retirement in order to make the rest of your life the best of your life!
You can check out Kory and Amber's Youtube channel or learn more about their services at the links below.
Sunday, January 2, 2022
The Penguin Effect
In Episode 12 Quinn and Megan talk about the finer points of a waddle (herd) of penguins and their tendencies to push others to the outside as well as how they wait for someone to take the lead then follow blindly. These fine flightless bird’s example is broken down into how we treat others as well as how to better live our lives. #justifyingthefword, #forties, #fifties, #podcast, #podcaster, #penguineffect, #lvingyourbestlife